Our Story
After building his first motorcycle at age 14, Dan Moore started his first business, a tree service, before he’d even graduated from high school. With one truck and a couple of employees, he put himself through college and lit the spark that began his career as a successful entrepreneur and businessman. Since then, he has taken his innovative mind across the industrial spectrum: from the semi-conductor industry to basic materials science to the big five automotive companies.
Dan’s earliest ventures were in the automobile industry where he developed a rust-proofing material for Ford and GM chassis. After finding early success in this industry, he branched out into polymers and plastics where he started and sold multiple businesses.
In addition to continually starting and growing new businesses, Dan has found his way into managing multiple companies in turnaround and distressed situations. His style has always been hands-on and working directly with management and engineering to build a solution that can bring a company back to life.
Moving forward at Dan T. Moore Company, we are following what has always been Dan’s simple plan: identify a need and develop a cost efficient way to fill that need. On average, we start one company each year with internally generated technology designed to fill these unmet needs. We also make controlling investments in companies in high growth industries and in distressed situations. To learn more about our investment process click here.